Little Boy is obsessed with this book right now. He loves any book that has to do with numbers, but I think he likes the illustrations, too.
This one doesn't really have a story to it--in fact, it hardly has any text at all. Just numbers. The book starts with one fish on the first page, and it ends with ten fish--but then you can flip the book around and read it upside-down, counting back down from ten to one [kind of like Round Trip, by Ann Jonas].
The real kicker for this book is the cut-out illustrations that build on each other [think Go Away, Big Green Monster!, by Ed Emberley, or Color Zoo, by Lois Ehlert]. The cut-out parts are fun for little ones to feel with their hands, too.
Fish, Swish! Splash, Dash!
Written and illustrated by Suse MacDonald
Age range*: 2-4
My rating: 3 stars [out of five]
*Age ranges are very flexible.
Full disclosure: these are not affiliate links, or anything fancy like that. I don't receive any compensation for reviewing children's books--the books are usually just checked out from the local library.
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