We've checked out a few Valentine's Day books that are a bit over Little Boy's head. Stuff about the history of Valentine's Day, or detailed instructions on how to make a complicated valentine--stuff like that.
This book, though, is right at Little Boy's level, as far as Valentine's Day goes. It's all about valentines--making them, mailing them, bringing them to school, and best of all--getting them!
(Oops, I just gave away the ending. Sorry. Also, isn't it better to give than receive? Just sayin'.)
So, maybe you should have a little discussion about giving vs. receiving with your little one if you read this book. But, other than that--it's very cute.
The Best Thing About Valentines
Written by Eleanor Hudson, illustrated by Mary C. Melcher
Age range*: 2-4
My rating: 4 stars [out of five]
*Age ranges are very flexible.
Full disclosure: I don't receive any compensation for reviewing children's books--the books are usually just checked out from the local library.
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