Monday, April 4, 2011

Ollie's Easter Eggs

This is going to be my first bad review on this blog.

Just warning you.

I had really high expectations for this book. I'm in love with some of the other books in this series...really, they're some of my favorite children's books of all time. I'm not sure what happened with this one.

Two things that disappointed me:

1) The stickers. The book came from the library with all of the stickers still there, and I was a mean mom and didn't let Little Boy use any of them. They weren't our stickers! Anyway, that's the library's fault and not the book's. But the fact that stickers were needed to sell the book in the first place...

2) The end of the story. Here's how the book goes: All of Ollie's friends have Easter eggs. They dye the eggs and hide them carefully. Ollie gets jealous and takes them, saying, "My egg" each time. And that's all fine with me so far. But then his friends find that their eggs are missing, and Ollie says something like, "Oh, I have eggs." And leads them to his nest, which is full of everyone else's Easter eggs.

The end.

Now...maybe the end was supposed to be funny? Like, haha, Ollie pulled one over on his friends! Or maybe Ollie wanted the eggs so he could give them back to his friends...? But it didn't come across that way to me at all. Because the book didn't show him giving the eggs back, under any circumstances.

I ended up having a discussion with Little Boy about what Ollie should have done--given the eggs back, maybe apologized or something. Something, instead of just ending.

Ollie's Easter Eggs
Written and illustrated by Olivier Dunrea
Age range*: 2-4
My rating: 1 star [out of five]

*Age ranges are very flexible.

Full disclosure: I don't receive any compensation for reviewing children's books--the books are usually just checked out from the local library.

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