Monday, April 15, 2013


I loved If..., by Sarah Perry. It's just so...weird.

As you turn each page, you'll see a phrase starting with "if." For example, "If leaves were fish..." The next page has a picture to go along with it, like a bunch of green fish clinging to a tree branch. Turn the page again, and you'll get something equally improbable and imaginative.

That's it.

Some of the "ifs" (and their accompanying pictures) grossed me out a little bit, like "If toes were teeth..." and "If caterpillars were toothpaste..." Kids will love those, though. My favorites are "If frogs ate rainbows..." and "If lightning made rhinos..."

So, if you're looking for a book to spark your kids' (or your!) imagination, I highly recommend this one.

Written and illustrated by Sarah Perry
Age range*: 2-5
My rating: 5 stars [out of five]

*Age ranges are very flexible.

Full disclosure: The books reviewed here are books that I own or that have been checked out from the local library. The links in this post are Amazon Affiliate links.

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