Thursday, September 1, 2011


There comes a time in every child's life when they realize...that parts of them can come off.

The boy in this book (I don't think he has a name) is disturbed when he notices that bits of him are coming loose--there are pieces of hair stuck in his comb, pieces of skin peeling off his toes, gooey things coming out of his nose, and a tooth wiggling around. He's coming apart!

He's very concerned about this.

My favorite part is when the boy finds a bit of fuzz in his belly button, and he realizes, "It was my stuffing coming out!"

I'm gonna leave the ending to you, because some of the illustrations at the end are laugh-out-loud funny, and I don't want to spoil it.

This book is definitely funny for parents, and probably also for older kids who have experience with their hairs and teeth falling out. Little Boy doesn't have a lot of experience there, but he still thought the pictures were pretty funny.

Written by Tedd Arnold
Age range*: 4-7
My rating: 3 stars [out of five]

*Age ranges are very flexible.

Full disclosure: I don't receive any compensation for reviewing children's books--the books are usually just checked out from the local library.

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